Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 5, 2020 San Diego to Goleta

Good morning everyone.  On Sunday, we went to visit one of Tom's cousins, and while we were there several other family members were able to gather also.

Cousin Steve and Alice

 Family  Cousin Steve, Nephew Graham, Sister Kathy and Tom.

 Also the spouses...Alice, Barbara, Rachel, Steve

 On Monday, we traveled to Goleta where we met another Cousin of Tom's.  While there we visited the only Franciscan Mission still operating today although there are still 20 more in existence.

 The inside Secret Garden, originally used as a work area for the Native American peoples to learn trades.

 The city of Santa Barbara and the hills behind that were part of the recent fire this last Fall.

 Looking down at the City of Goleta from the mountains on the other side of town.

 Getting a little exercise up on the trail.

 Further along the road, we took a side hike to see the remains of Knapp's Castle. What we found was a new home being constructed on the currently owned private property.

The view's from the former castle were fantastic.

Steve and Lisa also enjoying the view.

 He stood very still probably thinking we didn't notice him.

 On the way down the mountain, we stopped in at the Cold Spring Tavern for an early afternoon lunch.

 Right near by, there was a waterfall.

As we turned around to head back down the trail, Grammie thought the nearby piece of a tree looked like a Bison.

 Thanks for keeping an eye out for Grammie in her travels.

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