Sunday, February 9, 2020

Feb 7, 2020 Heading to Monterey by way of the Big Sur

This morning we headed North to get to Monterey where we will spend 5 days.  Even though we had been on this stretch of road before, the scenery of the ragged coastline still impresses.

Our first stop was to see the Elephant Seals on one of the beaches.

 Some of the older ones approach around 5000 pounds.  During this time of year, they not only molt their skin, but their young are born during this time of year.

 Using their flippers, they flip sand on themselves to keep cool.

The eyes say it all.

 Even though there are many on the beach in close proximity, they tend to have an occasional spat with others.

 No, these 2 were not doing a Karaoke.

Heading up the road, we started to get into scenic areas, some higher up as well as lower to the beach.
 We stopped at an area that one could get gas for $5.79 per gallon...or an ice cream.

On on of the overlooks, Grammie was admiring the plants in bloom.

 The colors were awesome.

 Looking up the coast through a wooden circle...

 Even though there roads were up high in some areas, many people would stop and go for short hikes.
 An occasional bridge was needed.

 Part of the ride along the Big Sur was spent in the fog.
We enjoyed the ride, and may head back down on a more sunnier day.

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