Sunday, February 23, 2020

February 22, 2020 Death Valley day 2

Today started off with steady early morning rain that amounted to about 1 tenth of an inch.   Any amount is always welcome in the desert.

Our first stop was Zabrinski Point.  The dark areas were the result of fine silt and volcanic ash, changed by the seismic activity going on thousands of years ago.

 Zabrinski Point

 Zabrinski Point.  This picture of this area and the mountains behind Grammie doesn't really show how interesting this area really is. 

 Death Valley from Dante's View
 Ephedra Bush AKA Mormon Tea

Creosote Bush

 Golden Canyon

 Star war characters volunteering for one of the Golden Canyon talks.  There were several points in the canyon that were in a Star Wars movie.

 After a few steps up the canyon there was some golden color.

 Up one of the sides there was a narrow passageway to....nowhere.

 This character was waiting for the crowd that had gathered around the corner for a the Park Ranger presentation.  Star Wars: A New Hike  A long time ago in a canyon not so far away, two droids, a few school kids turned Death Valley into Tatooine.

Tom at Devil's Golf  Course looking for his golf ball.

 Natural Bridge  another 1 mile walk

 Badwater Basin is the lowest elevation of land in the United States at 282 ft below sea level.  The white area is because the salt in the water that flowed down to this area is left behind when the water evaporates.

 Artist Palette

Tom's cousin Dan and his wife Mary made this a special day.

Grammie had another great day in Death Valley.  Thanks all.

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