Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 4, 2013

Today we planned to go into Seattle to see some of the sights.  We will be in the city for 3 days so we decided not to see everything today.

Before we get started with that, Tom would like to say that the 36 miles we drove into the city was pleasant.  We didn't start until 9:30 which made it easier but there was something strange going on.  The cars were traveling a consistent 60-65 mph on I-5.  If they wanted to change lanes, some how they got the red lights on the back of their vehicle to blink before they changed lanes.  Imagine that.  There was one instance where a car was driving faster than the rest and swerved over a couple of lanes.  The car did have IOWA plates on the car (Idiots Out Wandering Around).

We finally parked the car $20/day and rode up and down the elevator a couple of times before we got it right.  Can't imagine what will happen when we get old.

We decided to first go up to the Columbia Center Sky View to see what we could see.  The building is nearly1000 feet tall and is the highest building in the city.  Looking Northwest you could easily see the Olympic NP range looking out over Elliott Bay.

Looking North, the easily identifiable Space Needle up in Seattle Center where the 1964 World's Fair was held.  It is around 300 feet lower that the Sky View Tower.

Looking Northeast is Mount Baker at 10, 781 feet.  In 1999-2000 it collected 1140 inches of snow.

Centurylink stadium in front and the  Safeco Baseball field in behind.

 Mount Rainier off in the distance, clearly viewable.  Even though it is clearly visible, this picture was digitally enhanced to make it even clearer.

Coming back down to ground level we took some other pics around the city on to the next stop.  A little art work down by the waterfront.

The Underground tour is about the early city of Seattle during the 1860's and includes a humorous story about an invention of Thomas A Crapper.  The link Underground Tour history adds a little history.

 Mount Rainier standing at 14, 441 feet is the highest in the Cascade Range.  It is home to 36 square miles of glaciers and snowfields.

The Wheel of Fortune (will you fall off or not) also down by the waterfront. The Seattle Great Wheel.

At the end of the day we went to Pike's Place Market.

Broccoli Romanesco had an unusual shape.   Coming soon to a store near You????????

Colorful peppers varying from hot to hotter.

 Freshly made beer at Pike's Pub.

 At first glance, this looked like a bronze statue just outside the bookstore...until you put some money in the jug.  She would then blow you a kiss or pose for a picture.  Pretty Blue Eyes.

 Entrance to Pike's Farmers Market

 Ok, so not everything was from the garden.

 There were a lot of men who were grabbing up arrangements of flowers towards the end of the day. $5

 Plenty of fresh fish.  Even saw a couple tossing fish like in a commercial.

 The front window of Rocky Mountain Chocolate store.  Sure wish we were back in Maine now so we wouldn't have to eat the chocolate off the apples.

 And finally,  Grammie.  The caption on the bear..."Nobody knows the Truffles I've seen"

Tom thinks we have been away too long.  "You mean the Yankees aren't in the playoffs?"

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