Hi Grammie Fans
Leaving before leaving, we drove down the airbase and came to what is known as the PIMA boneyard. It is sort of a final resting place for planes that will no longer be used for flying but maybe will be part of a donor program.
There is a Museum nearby to see more however we were running short on time for a visit there.
Wrapped up to protect from the elements. No blades on them either.
After leaving Davis-Monthan AFB, we stopped in to see one of Tom's high school classmates. In Tom's preferred style, he went up to the front door not knowing what, or even who to expect. After 25 years, what would you think if someone just now knocked on your door. What fun!
Today we visited the Biosphere 2 project near Tuscon Arizona.
Before I start posting pictures...there was so much to see and learn. The tour guide was pretty much non stop talking explaining everything she could in the time allotted. Everyone had a headset so at all times we could hear her clearly even though she was at the head of a single file group of 41 people, and may have be 30 yards ahead.
The Biosphere 2 is now owned by the University of Arizona.
A video explaining the project.
Biosphere 2 explanation video
The website for the project in
The Biosphere 2 Project
Also, there is a Virtual tour
Biosphere Virtual Tour
First of all, imagine that you are going to take a trip for 2 years, but it is going to be in a closed environment. The space that you will be living in all that time is pretty much shown in the next 3 pictures. Everything that you will need will have to be there because you aren't leaving. The biosphere was designed to take care of the physical needs, but what about the other things. Need a book to read, or like to chew gum. How many books or how many packs of gum should you take inside. How about writing a book (diary) or learn how to make chewing gum. Emotional support...there are going to be 7 other people who will be with you. Will you need a Doctor? Medicine? Crutches? A change of clothes? For 2 years.... This picture shows the area where different biomes have been created to supply the air you breathe and the water that you will use, and the gardens that will supply the food that you will eat. Sounds simple doesn't it???
Its seven biome areas were a 1,900-square-meter (20,000 sq ft) rainforest, an
850-square-meter (9,100 sq ft) ocean, with a coral reaf, a 450-square-meter (4,800 sq ft) mangrove wetlands, a 1,300-square-metre (14,000 sq ft) savannah grassland, a 1,400-square-meter (15,000 sq ft) fog desert, and two anthropogenic biomes: a 2,500-square-meter
(27,000 sq ft) agricultural system and a human habitat with living spaces, laboratories and workshops. Below ground was an
extensive part of the technical infrastructure. Heating and cooling
water circulated through independent piping systems and passive solar input through the glass space frame panels covering most of the facility, and electrical power was supplied into Biosphere 2 from an onsite natural
gas energy center.

This area includes the living spaces that become your home. Why Arizona where it is so dry. Not a problem. The Biosphere actually produces more water that 8 people need. To understand a simplified summary of what was inside, click this link.
Biosphere 2 summary
The 3rd part of the Biosphere which was critically important is the Lung. Remember atmospheric pressure. Yes, it was controlled also. A video explaining how and why 20 tons of material is held in the air.
Inside, you do have your own personal space, or apartment.
Your downstairs area, and upstairs (spiral ladder) would be your bedroom.
Why so much space. How long would a scuba tank filler with air last under water. How much do you need over 2 years? 8 people?
Where is all the water going to be coming from to grow these vegetables. Wait, we have to grow our own food. Who is going to cook my food. Answers. Everyone takes turns cooking and here is the biggy, Everyone eats the same thing.
What if something breaks down?
A different way of seeing what is inside side as a system.
The Doctor's office.
Your kitchen was designed to be very modern for the time. 1991-1993
For electricity, back in the 1990's Solar panels would not have supplied enough electricity. The pic below is an advanced system that has curved mirrors that focus the suns energy to a specific which is said to be 40% efficient. Although not used during Biosphere 2 it is being studied by U Arizona.
The Ocean inside. It also has a little rowboat.
Bananas were an important crop grown inside. They were in several areas and included in meals often.
Hydroponics was used to grow plants.
Going into the Desert Biome area.
The hole is part of the air transfer system.
Down below the living area is where the water produced is stored.
This tunnel led down to the "Lung" of the Biosphere. It controls the atmospheric pressure.
The circular object weighing 20 tons, hanging in the air is attached to a rubber bladder that floats up and down to control. It is approximately 10 feet in the air. When we exited the chamber, we could visually see it sinking to the floor once the door to the chamber was opened. Going through the door there was a great rush of air leaving the chamber. Going through a second door leaving trhe dome, there was a rush of air coming back inside.
Couldn't help but taking a picture of this T-shirt that the wearer found at the Mark Twain Birth Home in Florida Missouri. Maybe a side trip.
There was a group outside that was listening to a talk about the Brown Falcon. It is a larger species and is a Native bird to Australia and New Guinea.