Over the last 3 days we really haven't been too busy, but did follow our travel plans. On Monday we traveled to Siler City to visit with one of Tom's high school friends. It is always good to visit with friends and reminisce about our youth...and yeah it was over 50 years ago.
Even though the grass hasn't really turned green, the flowers have had a head start.
On Tuesday, Tom played a golf course, Tobacco Road, that he wanted to play last year but the temps were in the 30's then. This time with much better conditions, he had an enjoyable day. The first 2 pics show the terrain that included plenty of sand, and mounds much higher that he had ever seen on any course.
On the 17th hole, with the ball in a terrible lie....
this pic told the rest of the story.
Today, Wednesday, we spent some time at Myrtle Beach taking in the sunshine. As with Virginia Beach, the area has a few people out taking advantage of the sun.
Grammie wanted to be out there real bad.
Walking around, Grammie was seen at a new Sugar Life story. No, she didn't have any candy...but if you look in her hand
Thanks for following Grammie's travels.