Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Feb 22 on the way to Myrtle Beach

Over the last 3 days we really haven't been too busy, but did follow our travel plans.  On Monday we traveled to Siler City to visit with one of Tom's high school friends.  It is always good to visit with friends and reminisce about our youth...and yeah it was over 50 years ago.
Even though the grass hasn't really turned green, the flowers have had a head start.

On Tuesday, Tom played a golf course, Tobacco Road, that he wanted to play last year but the temps were in the 30's then.  This time with much better conditions, he had an enjoyable day.  The first 2 pics show the terrain that included plenty of sand, and mounds much higher that he had ever seen on any course.

 On the 17th hole, with the ball in a terrible lie....

 this pic told the rest of the story.

Today, Wednesday, we spent some time at Myrtle Beach taking in the sunshine.  As with Virginia Beach, the area has a few people out taking advantage of the sun. 

Grammie wanted to be out there real bad.

 Walking around, Grammie was seen at a new Sugar Life story.  No, she didn't have any candy...but if you look in her hand
Thanks for following Grammie's travels.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Feb 19, 2017 Virginia Beach

Today we left Dover AFB and headed down the DELMARVA peninsula headed towards Virginia Beach.  We stopped at the Visitors' Center after crossing into Virginia and picked up some brochures and took a picture or two. 

 A few miles down the road and a few turns on back roads, we arrived at the Chatham Vineyards.  It was one of those days where some wine needed tasting. The vineyard is in a great location and right across the street is a house, a little in need of repair, but still in a great location for wine lovers.

In another half hour or so we reached the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnels.  While the toll is a little pricey, it saves over 50 miles getting to the Norfolk area while only saving about a half hour time instead of trips through Baltimore, Washington and Richmond.

With a few hours of time left in the day, we spent them at Virginia Beach and had a little time to grab a meal.  While the area is at a slow time of the year, the temps were in the high 60's and brought out a lot of people.  Many places are still closed for the season including Ben and Jerry's.  The beach area was still sparse but the eating places did much better.

The boardwalk, a skateboard and a little creativity made the day for this guy.

The Festival  Center just off 9th street seemed to be the most popular place of the day.
With the many things to see and do, we decided to make a return visit on the way back North.

Thanks for keeping track of Grammie's whereabouts.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Feb 18, 2017 Dover DE

Welcome back to the blog.
Yesterday, (17th) we left home and snowbanks, but not before clearing out the driveway with a tractor, and then shoveling off the garage roof.  The walkway was pretty well taken care of, thanks to 2 grandchildren...and a snow day that afforded them the time to get it done.  In Newport on Wednesday night into Thursday we only got a dusting for what was supposed to be 8-12 inches.
We left with clear skies and spent the night in Danvers, MA visiting Tom's sister.  As always it is great to spend time with the oldest and wisest sibling.  We were surprised as there was no unfinished puzzle laying about on the table.

Today we drove 400 miles to Dover AFB in Delaware.  The skies were sunny and the snow finally diminished to nothing after we got on the New Jersey turnpike.  We did only make one error and that was deciding to go through NYC on a nice day.  So wasn't everyone else.  We did set a new worlds record though.  We left my sisters house and by the time we got onto I-90 west, we took off 11 minutes of travel time on Rte 128... according to the Garmin.  There was 1 change and that was that there are no toll booths getting on to well no toll booths getting off at the Sturbridge exit.
Being a nice day when we arrived in Dover, Tom got permission from Alice to go across the street to play golf. After he got back, he had to ask what she said in the rest of the sentence.
We didn't take any pictures of either the snow we left behing, or the sunshine we drove towards.

We do have two pictures to start our blog.

The first is of Grammie on a recent visit to Cheyenne to see her newest grandchild, Henley, and her parents Robin and Doug. 

The 2nd is a picture of the newest grandchild Henley with her Mom, Robin and her Dad, Doug, and her aunts who visited Cheyenne from Maine.

Thank you everyone for keeping an eye out for Grammie.